Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions

Creating a common and public Fluid Atlas

The Fluid Atlas will provide information on geothermal fluid properties across Europe. It will be public and available to all geothermal operators and stakeholders.

Reducing maintenance costs

REFLECT will improve predictions of chemical reactions to help operators find solutions for the design of power plants and avoid typical problems causing maintenance costs and downtimes.

Reducing environmental impact

By improving knowledge of free gas formation during fluid production (e.g. greenhouse gas), the destruction of plant materials by corrosion and the formation of radioactive deposits can be avoided.
The efficiency of geothermal utilisation depends on the behaviour of fluids that transfer heat between the geosphere and the engineered components of a power plant.

Latest news

REFLECT at a geothermal workshop at the University of Bern

REFLECT at a geothermal workshop at the University of Bern

The REFLECT research and results will be presented at a workshop on hydrogeochemical reservoir and fluid characterisation taking place at the University of Bern (Switzerland) on 7 and 8 September 2023. The workshop is co-organised by the University of Bern and the...

REFLECT brochure for operators now available!

REFLECT brochure for operators now available!

The REFLECT brochure for operators 'Tools for Improving the Efficiency of Geothermal Operations' showcases some of the most relevant results of the project research for geothermal operators. The tools that are featured in the publication are the following: Downhole...

REFLECT research in issue 54 of the European Geologist Journal

REFLECT research in issue 54 of the European Geologist Journal

Two articles featuring the research of the REFLECT project have been published in issue 54 of the biannual Diamond Open Access publication, the European Geologist. Issue number 54 is entitled ‘Geothermal energy – A geological contribution to the energy transition’....

Now available! European Geothermal Fluid Atlas

Now available! European Geothermal Fluid Atlas

The REFLECT project has recently launched the European Geothermal Fluid Atlas. Fluid data are collected from more than 20 European countries. In the platform, the layers provide point feature information presented on a base map, including geography, geology and depth...

REFLECT Final Conference

REFLECT Final Conference

The REFLECT project presented the main results of its research on geothermal fluid properties at the Final Conference organised on 19 October 2022 as a side event of the European Geothermal Congress 2022 in Berlin, Germany.The one problem plaguing almost all deep...

Eva Hartai nominated for the EIT Women Leadership Award

Eva Hartai nominated for the EIT Women Leadership Award

REFLECT project partner Éva Hartai, from the University of Miskolc, has been nominated by EIT RawMaterials for the EIT Women Leadership Award for her activities in international projects, mostly for the successful coordination and management of the ENGIE project,...

New REFLECT milestone on degassing

New REFLECT milestone on degassing

The key to improving geothermal efficiency is preventing or controlling deleterious physical and chemical reactions such as degassing and mineral precipitation that result in corrosion and scaling. Within the framework of the REFLECT project, experiments have been...

REFLECT Stakeholder Workshop and Field Trip in İzmir

REFLECT Stakeholder Workshop and Field Trip in İzmir

  The REFLECT Geothermal Stakeholder Workshop was organised in the city of İzmir on 21 June 2022. It gathered many local operators, researchers, students, as well as the REFLECT project partners who had participated in a consortium meeting just the day before....

REFLECT: Geothermal Stakeholder Workshop

REFLECT: Geothermal Stakeholder Workshop

The Horizon 2020 EU-funded REFLECT project organised a geothermal stakeholder workshop on 21 June 2022 in İzmir, Turkey. During this physical event, the most relevant project results for geothermal operators were presented. The efficiency of geothermal utilisation...

Gallery project

‘This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 850626.’