Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions

Creating a common and public Fluid Atlas

The Fluid Atlas will provide information on geothermal fluid properties across Europe. It will be public and available to all geothermal operators and stakeholders.

Reducing maintenance costs

REFLECT will improve predictions of chemical reactions to help operators find solutions for the design of power plants and avoid typical problems causing maintenance costs and downtimes.

Reducing environmental impact

By improving knowledge of free gas formation during fluid production (e.g. greenhouse gas), the destruction of plant materials by corrosion and the formation of radioactive deposits can be avoided.
The efficiency of geothermal utilisation depends on the behaviour of fluids that transfer heat between the geosphere and the engineered components of a power plant.

Latest news

The European Geothermal Fluid Atlas campaign

The European Geothermal Fluid Atlas campaign

Over the past weeks, we have presented the European Geothermal Fluid Atlas through a social media campaign published on the REFLECT Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. To sum up, read some of the key aspects presented: The ultimate goal of REFLECT is to increase the share...

Geothermal water sampling in Germencik and Tuzla, Turkey

Geothermal water sampling in Germencik and Tuzla, Turkey

A REFLECT team from the İzmir Institute of Technology (IZTech) carried out field studies in the Germencik (Aydın) and Tuzla sites of Turkey in February and March 2021. Within the scope of the project field studies, geothermal water samples were taken from both sites...

Sampling in Germencik and Tuzla, Turkey

Sampling in Germencik and Tuzla, Turkey

A REFLECT team from the İzmir Institute of Technology (IZTech) visited the Germencik and Tuzla geothermal sites in Turkey. Both geothermal power plants are located in the Western part of Turkey. Stibnite scaling is the major problem in the Germencik site, while...

Sampling in Krafla and Theistareykir, Iceland

Sampling in Krafla and Theistareykir, Iceland

In early October, two geochemists from the Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) collected geothermal fluid samples from the high-temperature fields (> 300 °C) of Krafla and Theistareykir in North Iceland. The Krafla power plant has been in operation since 1977 with an...

REFLECT progress meeting and first joint meeting with GEOPRO

REFLECT progress meeting and first joint meeting with GEOPRO

REFLECT has been kicked-off 8 months ago and researchers of the project’s work packages 1 and 2 took this occasion for a first progress meeting on September 14 and 15, 2020. Additionally, the REFLECT coordination team and work package leaders had a first meeting with...