About the project
Results and
key stakeholders

Data base
- Geothermal Industry: operators, consultants
- Other industry: mining, waste water treatment
- Enviromental, public: nuclear waste storage
- Academia: geochemists, physicsts, geologists

Fluid Atlas
- Geothermal industry: operators, consultants, investors
- Academia

Fluid sampler
- Geothermal industry: operators, consultans

Predictive models
- Geothermal industry: operators, consultans
Project objectives

From react to REFLECT
Our project aims at preventing problems instead of treating them
Based on known operational problems and observations, REFLECT will determine the effect of relevant fluid properties and reactions in order to enhance predictive geochemical modelling and thus the energy exploitation and life-time of geothermal power plants. By moving from reacting to occurring problems, to reflecting in advance (and acting proactively), the project outcomes can fundamentally change the problem-solving strategies of geothermal operators.
Extend databases (solubility, activity, reaction kinetics) to higher temperatures and higher salinities through lab experiments and modelling approaches
Interest for operators: Massive silica scaling frequently occurs with processing of type A fluids, whereas for saline fluids (type C) metal-rich scales, often concentrating naturally radioactive elements, form. Both types of scaling are difficult to predict and to remove.
→ Predictive modelling on scaling requires new equilibrium (i.e. thermodynamic-), and kinetic, data.
Determine the extent and location of the degasification front of geothermal fluids during production (field, lab, and modelling approach)
Interest for operators:
● Formation of free gas in the reservoir can reduce the rock permeability
● Enhanced corrosion by dissolved gases (H2S or CO2) or carbonate scaling (CO2 degassing)
→ To optimise the conditions of exploitation (preventing degassing) precisely determined gas dissolution constants are required.
Determine types of organic matter and microorganisms in various geothermal fluids and their effect on scaling and biofilm formation via laboratory studies
Interest for operators (type B, C fluids): Organic components can be part of scales, dissolved metal complexes, or additives (drilling mud, inhibitors). They are the energy source for microorganisms, which can form biofilms, enhance precipitation, or decompose inhibitors.
→ Mitigation of microbial activity and prevention of the formation of organic scales requires knowledge about the roles that organic compounds and microorganisms play in geothermal brines.
Determine heat capacity, density, electrical and thermal conductivity, sonic velocity, and viscosity at various p, T, X through lab experiments and modelling approaches
Interest for operators: Data are needed to improve exploration, reservoir engineering, dimensioning of surface installations, well and pump layout.
→ Optimised power plant layout requires a fluid physical dataset for a range of conditions.
Develop a downhole sampling technique suitable to collect fluid at chosen depth in hot and superhot systems (proof of principle prototype)
Interest for operators (type A fluids): Lack of knowledge about fluid-properties of distinct aquifers feeding a singular well in hot and super-hot geothermal fields leads to long term and high-cost geothermal utilization problems with surface and downhole installations (liner corrosion), and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
→ Optimised casing design, requires knowledge on fluid composition at depth and therefore an extension of the p-, T- range at which existing samplers are enabled to collect fluid samples.
Verification and implementation of the improved dataset by application in reactive transport modelling
Interest for operators: Current predictive model databases for simulating processes in a geothermal fluid loop are very often poorly optimised and inaccurate for high temperatures and salinities.
→ Extended databases need to be implemented in hydraulic-, thermal-, and chemical models.
→ Optimised casing design, requires knowledge on fluid composition at depth and therefore an extension of the p-, T- range at which existing samplers are enabled to collect fluid samples.
Set up a geothermal Fluid Atlas that collates information on geothermal fluid properties across Europe together with their geological setting
Interest for operators: The atlas provides easy access to information on the occurrence of geothermal fluids in different environments and potential geochemical risks prior to drilling. It also facilitates risk assessment and planning borehole and plant layout to suit fluid properties.
→ Requires a comprehensive gathering of existing and new data on fluid properties and their geological and geographical occurrence.
By fulfilling these goals, REFLECT aims at solving many severe problems of geothermal operation. This matches the goals of the EU Strategic Energy Technology (EU-SET) plan by ultimately reducing the cost of key renewable technologies and increasing the resilience and security of the energy system.

Investigated Fields
Expected impact

From react to REFLECT
Our project aims at preventing problems instead of treating them

Significantly increased technology performance and reduced maintenance costs:
By addressing the main problems of geothermal operations (scaling, degassing, and corrosion), REFLECT results will offer solutions to avoid them by improving predictions of chemical reactions based on improved databases. This decreases operation and maintenance costs, minimizes downtimes, and increases the overall reliability and efficiency of the operations.

Reducing life-cycle environmental impact:

Facilitating the exploitation of high-temperature geothermal resources:

Improving EU energy security:

Compensating for the fluctuating provision of electricity to the grid

Increased electricity output and faster amortization of the power plant

Increasing the attractiveness of renewable energy technologies

Opening of new economic opportunities

Reducing the environmental impact of geothermal energy production: