A REFLECT team from the İzmir Institute of Technology (IZTech) carried out field studies in the Germencik (Aydın) and Tuzla sites of Turkey in February and March 2021. Within the scope of the project field studies, geothermal water samples were taken from both sites for dissolved sulphate and 13C analyses. A 5 L canister bottle was used for the dissolved sulphate ions and steel cylinders were used for the 13C analysis. The geothermal fluid was cooled below 80 °C and sampled with steel cylinders. 34S isotopes will be used to interpret the origin of sulfur because the 18δO ratio of sulphate is an important tracer in understanding its origin. Also, to understand the origin of CO2 in the geothermal systems, 13δC analyses will be evaluated. These samples will be analysed by project partner Hydroisotop (HI).

Geothermal water sampling in Germencik and Tuzla


All the data collected during the project life will be implemented in a European geothermal fluid atlas and in predictive models allowing to provide recommendations on how to best operate geothermal systems for sustainable use.

       Geothermal water sampling in Germencik and Tuzla


If you would like to know more about the geothermal applications and systems in Turkey, save the date for the first REFLECT webinar ‘Geothermal Energy in Turkey’ on 18 May 2021.